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E-böcker / Barn & Ungdom

Omslagsbild för She Was Good for Nothing

She Was Good for Nothing

While the town judge was at his window, the son of the washerwoman passed before him. The judge said him unkind words to him about his mother. She drank to keep warm during the lon ...

Omslagsbild för Under the Willow Tree

Under the Willow Tree

Johanne and Knud lived close to the town of Kjöge, where there are many gardens that extend as far as the river. There is not much else, but it is charming in summer! It was under ...

Omslagsbild för There is a Difference

There is a Difference

It was the month of May and spring had arrived, although it was still cold. The flowers were blooming, but not all flowers receive the same praise. Some would say that there a diff ...

Omslagsbild för A Picture from the Ramparts

A Picture from the Ramparts

In this short tale, Hans Christian Andersen depicts a castle’s ramparts on an autumn day. A bird flies through the prison cell window and softens the heart of the miserable prisone ...

Omslagsbild för The Jumpers

The Jumpers

A flea, a grasshopper and a jumping goose entered a competition to see who could jump the highest. Who would win? That is a question that would turn out to be more complicated than ...

Omslagsbild för The Sweethearts

The Sweethearts

Grab your nearest toy and ready yourself for 'The Sweethearts' - a tale where two toys share a unique story. Always spinning with joy, the humble, spinning top asks the glamorous, ...

Omslagsbild för Eve's Various Children

Eve's Various Children

This story goes back to the very first people on Earth, Adam and Eve, and their children. When God decided to pay a visit to them, Eve hided those children she meant were ugly. God ...

Omslagsbild för The Goose-Girl at the Well

The Goose-Girl at the Well

Can your life change when you give a helping hand? You can never know before you do it, right? Without expecting anything, a rich count offered help to an old lady carrying a heavy ...

Omslagsbild för Iron John

Iron John

Something frightening and unexplainable happens in the near forest. The king keeps sending his huntsmen there and they keep on not coming back. Some creature is apparently killing ...

Omslagsbild för One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes

One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes

Once lived three unordinary sisters. The first one was only with one eye. You can guess what her name was. The second one, the most normal of them three, had two eyes. The youngest ...

Omslagsbild för The Four Skillful Brothers

The Four Skillful Brothers

Four brothers learn four different trades. They travel home to show their father the skills they have developed. And then suddenly a princess is taken away by a dragon. Of course t ...

Omslagsbild för The Blue Light

The Blue Light

One poor soldier wanders around not having a single coin, nor anything to eat. He meets one old lady and he begs food from her. The woman helps him but it turns out that she is not ...

Omslagsbild för The Singing, Springing Lark

The Singing, Springing Lark

A father was going to head out on a long journey and he asked his three daughters what they wanted him to bring them back. His two older daughters wanted beautiful and shiny things ...

Omslagsbild för Rumpelstiltskin


A miller’s daughter is taken to the king’s castle. He has heard that she can spin straw into gold and he wants to see if it really is true. Can it be? What do you think? Well it wa ...

Omslagsbild för The Juniper-Tree

The Juniper-Tree

A step-mother hates her son so badly that she kills him. Her daughter manages to hide her step-brothers bones which she buries under a juniper-tree. The tree is however magical and ...

Omslagsbild för Fitcher's Bird

Fitcher's Bird

There lived once an evil sorcerer who went from door to door pretending to be a poor man in need of help. When a pretty girl opened her home for him, he would compel her to jump in ...

Omslagsbild för Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

There lived once one little girl who most of us know by the name "Little Red Riding Hood". Do you know why she was called like that? Because she was wearing all the time the red ho ...

Omslagsbild för The Brave Little Tailor

The Brave Little Tailor

There was once a tailor who killed seven flies at one stroke. He was so proud of himself that he made a belt embroidered with the words "Seven at one stroke". Then a giant saw the ...

Omslagsbild för Khiyaanadii ugu weynayd

Khiyaanadii ugu weynayd

Riddare, äventyr och lättläst i en lekfull blandning för tjejer och killar som precis har börjat läsa själva. Spännande läsning med fartfyllda och tuffa illustrationer om de tre ko ...

Omslagsbild för Ka ugu xoogga weyn fasalka

Ka ugu xoogga weyn fasalka

Boken är på somaliska. Finns även i svensk och arabisk utgåva.Här får vi möta en skolklass i en serie fristående böcker, där varje bok har något eller några av barnen i klassen som ...

Omslagsbild för Teknik med hus och broar

Teknik med hus och broar

Tvillingarna Anton och Klara berättar om hur man bygger hus och broar. Följ med när de bygger en hängbro, gjuter egna ljusstakar och när de går till ett bygge utan lov. Vilken tur ...

Omslagsbild för Teknik med el

Teknik med el

Tvillingarna Anton och Klara är intresserade av teknik. De berättar om hur elen fungerar och om varför man måste vara försiktig med el. Läsaren får följa dem när de bygger en fickl ...

Omslagsbild för Dickens långa väg hem från skolan

Dickens långa väg hem från skolan

Dicken är sju år och bor nära skolan, men ändå har han svårt att komma i tid till lektionerna. Trots att det bara tar två minuter att ta sig dit. Men att ta sig hem går inte lika s ...

Omslagsbild för Ponnygänget på spökjakt

Ponnygänget på spökjakt

Det är sommarlov och ponnygänget bor ensamma med sina hästar på Torby herrgård. På dagarna rider de ut på långa turer, badar, äter glass och träffar kompisar. Allt är helt perfekt! ...

Omslagsbild för Vild


Irma känner sig inte alls som de andra tjejerna i klassen. Det känns som om hon tänker på ett annat sätt. Fastnar i tankarna. I huvudet kan hon vrida och vända på problem hur länge ...